Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rohith calling Rohith.. ;)

The Final semester of engineering life was getting boring. I hopped onto the “Blogging Bandwagon” like most of my friends in a bid to improve my writing skills. The cells of my brain creaked and squealed as i sat down to write after 4-5 years. All these years i was lost in the labyrinth of mechanical engineering , hyper psychotic to the finer elements of human life. This is my first blog and i thought the best thing to do would be to portray myself to the readers.

To start with, I find myself to be a typical,highly constrained,machine design problem, where adjustments have to be made at each and every step for conformity, someone that lacks flexibility sending the impression of an arrogant guy. Surprisingly, I have a few good friends and lots and lots of acquaintances because of my talkative nature. Sometimes you will enjoy my talks while most of the time I get talkative to the point of being obnoxious, not to forget my technical PJ’s rarely appreciated by my technical fraternity ,let go the general public. Once I thought of giving up this talkative habit and bear the face of a serious guy who means business, only to find that the self-inflicted “GAGGING ACT” was suffocating me to death. Finally, I gave up the idea and transformed once again into a BINA BATTERY KA RADIO….BAJAATE RAHO ".

Erratic mood swings are another weird part of my character. Sometimes, it forces me to think if it is genetic or am I really suffering from grave form of hormonal imbalance. Ranked among the “TOP 10 HIGHLY INFLAMMABLE ASSES OF MECHANICAL DEPTT”, I get fired up, with flared nostrils and widened pupils, for no reasons, all because of that supposed “Chemical Locha” in my endocrine system. You would find me bubbling with energy past midnight and tired and sloppy throughout the day. “NISAACHAR” ( nisha = night,char=roam around short a rakshash)….yes, NISHAACHAR that’s what my mom nicknamed me after getting disturbed innumerous times at sleep while I made tea for myself at 2 a.m . INSOMNIA, I thought dreading, as if that hormonal imbalance was not enough, but after reading about the legendary Sherlock Holmes and Neo Anderson suffering from the same ailment,i felt happy that INSOMNIACS were indeed an elite group.

My fears vanished completely after I met my clan of insomniacs at MIT, HOSTELS with somewhat weird habits, craned necks over long distance calls (some were smart enough to use hands free attachments) talking to their girlfriend in muffled voices, as if some CIA covert agent was tracking their calls. Some Insomniacs were happy puffing cigarettes in the dingy corners of the hostel while some of them watched porn with extremely high levels of concentration that would challenge a bhakt listening to his guru on AASTHA CHANNEL.

Oops..Sorry!!..For deviating from the topic …I forgot that I was supposed to mock myself … let’s move on to an interesting part….

The pathetic sex-ratio of my Facebook and Orkut friendlists are standing witnesses to the level of interaction I have had with the opposite sex so far. Before you presume me to be jerk, let me tell you that I don’t gel up with girls easily or vice-versa. Maybe, it’s my inability to withstand their nose-twitching at the sultry weather, their touch-me-not gestures and the jokes worth moaning rather than laughing that scares them away from me. However, I have had two minor heart attacks, rattling the 'left ventricle and auricle' of my fist sized poor heart. I am talking about one-sided relationships, quite common with guys like me. I recuperated quickly, thanks to the “RELATIONSHIPS” tab on and a number of moral boosting articles written by some heart-break guy who unlike me was never able to get over it.

My friends agree with Winston Churchill who said “Power and Money together make up an irresistible pheromone”. I disagree, because, if that was the case then why do we call our other halves as “The special one”. I think we should be patient rather than swooping in on some pain-in-the-ass and willingly put our head in the ball mill.The world is full of good people. We just need to go out and look for them.

Day dreaming is one my favourite pastimes. I can sit day dreaming for hours, legs crossed with headphone tucked over my ears listening to “Lakshya ko har haal mein paana hai..”in repeated loops. So far, I have fallen slightly short of whatever I aimed for in my life. Perhaps, I didn’t take ‘air friction’ into account before going for the leap...but life is a learning process and i was glad to be a part of this process.

I strongly believe that dreams are the ultimate prime mover powering the human spirit and Hope is always the last thing to die. Being an over-enthusiastic mechanical engineer, I see Human beings as I.C engines…all they need is a starting torque called “motivation”, the rest of the process is self-sustained … and I think I have got my starting torque…It's time to roll….

That's the Uncut version of Rohit Anand for you....dont’t forget to pen down your comments..

note: After reading my blog, most of you would think that i am still lost in the labyrinth of mechanical engineering....can't help it friends...i am obsessed with ROYAL MECH...